In Australia we are prohibited from mentioning the brand name of medical products along with other previously accepted generic terms that were used to categorise some of our available treatments. Rather than specifically mentioning the type of treatments that are available, we will can only refer to them as ‘treatments that can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and add volume to specific areas of the face’. Some of these products have been used for cosmetic purposes since 1987, with an increasing list of possible ways they can be used to enhance a person’s appearance. These treatments should only ever be administered by a suitably trained, experienced and qualified clinician. The aesthetic result you are looking for can often vary significantly from the actual result of a treatment, so make sure you put yourself in the hands of a clinician you trust to give you the best outcome.
Wrinkles and fine lines develop over time due to multiple factors including muscle movement, changes in skin condition, loss of volume to name a few. We offer an array of treatments that can be used to help reduce the formation of wrinkles and restore lost volume thereby potentially enhancing a person's appearance. Everyone has their own concept of 'beautiful' when it comes to their own face, and others, so ensure that you and your clinician are on the same page regarding your desired outcome. Focus less on the 'how much' is being used, and more on where it is being used. Ask your clinician what other positive aesthetic changes can be achieved with our array of treatments.
Other types of skin rejuvenation treatments available are :
Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP is taken from your own blood and administered back into your skin to help repair thin and damaged tissue. The plasma tells your body to 'repair' the skin, similar to the the repair that occurs after an injury. Perfect for a 'natural' improvement in the quality of thinning and aged skin. Multiple treatments are generally needed with improvements being seen after each treatment. You can have treatment anywhere you have skin, but listed are the most commonly treated areas.
Polidioxanone (PDO) Threads - PDO mono threads are an old technology being used in an innovative way. Inserted to sub dermal level of the skin they create new collagen, and are intended for skin thickening and skin tightening. If you are noticing some sagging and reduction in skin quality, threads may be used to help tighten and firm these areas providing long lasting and natural results.
Wrinkle Reduction and Volume Restoration
Frown Lines
Whether you are frowning, thinking, or squinting, the lines in between the eye brows can give off a negative vibe to anyone looking at you. The frown muscles also contribute to pulling down the brow and hiding your eyes. Reducing the wrinkles that create these frown lines can really change your look and how others may be perceiving you, whilst preventing them from getting any worse. Treatment in this area also contributes to brow elevation.
Forehead Lines
You might lift your eyebrows as you have an expressive face, or to elevate your brow when you are trying to open up the eye area. The forehead muscle is the only muscle in the upper face that lifts the brow, so treatment in this area will reduce the ability to lift your eyebrows to some degree. Treatments in this area depends entirely on the result you are after, the severity of the wrinkles, and size of your forehead. It is important to find a happy balance between a smooth forehead and natural brow elevation.
Crow's Feet
Treating the muscle that contracts when we smile or screw up our faces can help to reduce the appearance of crows feet. We all love to laugh and smile, so there is nothing wrong with having some crow’s feet/laughter lines. If you prefer them to be a little softer or non-existent, wrinkle reducing treatments can help. Everyone has their own opinion on whether they like or dislike these 'laughter' lines, so make sure you discuss this with your clinician. Treating this area can also contribute to lateral brow elevation.
Jaw Slimming
A square jaw can be attractive on both males and females, however if this is not your preference, and a more heart shaped face is more your desired aesthetic, then softening the bulk of the masseter (chewing) muscle might be the answer for you. Cosmetic injectable treatments help to relax and reduce the size of muscles that create a square shaped jawline, and can also help reduce the grinding and clenching of teeth.
Mouth Frown
Sometimes you won’t even know you are doing it, but creating a frown or pulling down the corners of your mouth can really create a sad look, and contribute to early ageing in the lower face. Reducing the downwards pull with cosmetic injectables helps to kick up the corners of the mouth resulting in a resting 'neutral' face.
Jawline Definition
Your jawline may have lost definition as you have aged, or you may never have had a super strong jawline. This is when cosmetic injectables can be used to help create and strength a jawline, which often assists with ageing in the lower face. Just as with every treatment, individual medical assessment is required as every face and jawline is different.
Neck Enhancement
The neck has can be a problem area for many as we age due to skin texture and laxity. Protruding bands of muscle also add to the ‘stringy’ appearance of the neck. Reducing their appearance with anti-wrinkle injections can help to reduce the ‘turkey’ like appearance. Perfect for a mature neck with visible signs of aging.
Gummy Smile and Lip Flip
If the lip curls under when you smile showing significant gum, we can help 'drop' the lip so less gum shows on animation. This muscle can also create the appearance of a fuller lip during animation
Bunny Lines
The fine lines that can appear on the side of the nose occur due to scrunching up the nose like a ‘bunny’. This can be a cute look, but over time the lines can get deeper and can start becoming as distraction from your eyes and other great features. Reducing the contraction can help prevent and soften these lines.
Vertical Lip Lines
Peri-oral lines, often referred to as ‘smokers lines’ are formed due to continue movement of the lips over time and the loss of volume in the tissue above the lip. Soften muscle contraction can help prevent the formation of these lines and help reduce the appearance of any existing lines.
Sometimes a client might benefit from some additional volume in their mid face to enhance the 'apple' of a cheek, or perhaps some lateral to create some 'cheek bone' structure. Maybe it's a combination of both. Discuss your concerns with your clinician in order to enhance the right areas you need in order to achieve the results you are after.
Lip size and shape preference is very individual so consultation with your clinician is very important. You may want a more defined lip line, or improvement of the lines around the lips, or a fuller set of lips. We can't change the lips you were born with, but we can enhance them as needed. It's more about where and how, rather than how much you use need to achieve the result you want. All lips were not born equal, and neither were cosmetic injectors.
Temple Hollowing
The temples that appear at the end of each eyebrow often deflate with age, creating a bit of a 'peanut' shape of someone's head. This can be quite ageing as the face begins to look skeletal in places. This should only be done by experienced clinicians so do your homework.
Tear Trough
Dark circles under the eyes are often a result of hollowing that can occur with ageing, or could have existed from as long as you can remember. Many anatomical factors can contribute to this deficit around the eye area, so these need to be considered before any treatment. If volume deficit is the concern, careful administration of cosmetic injectables can help to reduce a tired or sad appearance and soften any apparent wrinkles. This is an advanced treatment area.
Marionette Lines
Also known as puppet lines, these areas see the formation of a wrinkle or fold that begins at the corners of the mouth and become more obvious as we see changes in our facial anatomy and skin condition. The development of a shadow, folding of skin, or the formation of a crease often makes you look and feel sad or tired.
Chin Enhancement
Slightly changing the proportions of facial features can significantly improve someone’s aesthetic as everything looks more balanced and harmonious. Increasing the strength of a chin, or its projection can change the way the lower face looks, which in turn makes everything look better as a whole. Every individual has their own preferred aesthetic which needs to be discussed and considered during medical consultation.
Ear Lobe
You may not have noticed, but ear lobes get wrinkly. Heavy earrings can also drag ear lobes down over time, so some strategically placed cosmetic injectables can be used to improve the appearance of this area..
Nose Augmentation
This is definitely for advanced injectors only, and should only ever be considered if the benefit aesthetically out weighs the risk. Altering the appearance of a nose can be achieved with cosmetic injectables. Previous nose surgery can increase the risk of complications so please disclose all to your clinician.
Hand Rejuvenation
Our hands are exposed to the elements every single day, so the skin becomes thinner and deteriorates over time. Restoring the volume and improving the integrity of the skin can be achieved using cosmetic injectables designed for improving skin condition and reducing wrinkles.
Skin Hydration
Some cosmetic injectable treatments bind to water and encourage hydration wherever they are administered. Specific products can be administered directly into crepey and dehydrated tissue improving the integrity and hydration with each treatment.
Platelet Rich Plasma
Eye Area
The skin around the eye is the thinnest on the face, and therefore it shows signs of ageing very easily. Improving the thickness and integrity of the tissue helps to smooth out fine lines, and reduce the appearance of dark circles.
The neck is often a neglected area and can 'give away' someone's age if only the face is being well maintained. Due to the continual sun exposure and movement of our head, the neck ages just like the face, so it is equally as important to look after the tissue of the neck. PRP helps to improve firmness and elasticity whilst tightening around the neck and jawline. A perfect combination with RF Tightening.
Accordion Lines
The fine vertical lines that appear on each cheek start to appear due to the loss of volume in the cheeks, expression, and the degradation of skin tissue. PRP into the skin helps to thicken and improve the tissue so it appears more hydrated and moves naturally with animation.
PDO Threads
Help to lift the loose tissue under the chin and strengthen the appearance of the jawline.
Nasolabial Folds
Improve the appearance of folds and creases without adding unnecessary volume.
Oral Commisures
If puppet lines are starting to make an appearance due to loose skin around the mouth, threads can help to left and firm the area.
Accordion Lines
Fine lines that develop under the cheek bone can be improve with strategically placed PDO threads that lift surrounding tissue and strengthen the weak areas.